Learn how to harness convolution in a musical context! We’ll delve into the conceptual underpinnings of convolution as a DSP function, how it can process audio and model real-world spaces and other physical phenomena. Then we’ll show you the practicalities involved to convolve, showing you how to capture the nature of spaces around you as well as your own gear by making your own impulse responses. Finally we’ll work together to build a set of IRs for the Library that you can take home to work with in the future to add personality and character to your music and sound design.
Instructors: Max Jersak and Arden Butterfield
Saturday, March 29th, 2025
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
@ 1256 Lloyd Center (view map)
2nd Floor, near Dicepool
$10-20 sliding scale
(tickets required to attend, no one turned away for lack of funds, email info@synthlibraryportland.org for no-cost tickets)